This site is about Lew's Model Boat's Dusseldorf 2 RC Fire Boat model and the conversion/modification to replicate the real fire boat after the 1979 stretching.
In order to do that all pertenant information on the real fireboat is/as necessary to help achive that goal.
"The red ship does not show its 50 years
[59 years in 2022] of service. It has been modernized several times, also has an underwater radar and a thermal imaging camera. "It's well positioned.
It will still live to see its 60th birthday,” says Schroeder. However, the NRW government is planning to purchase new ships."
On this page we discuss information (what we could find) on the development of the model by Robbe. All
of this is conjecture as there is no real history to be found. (The above right photo is that of the real Dusseldorf
2 after the major modification.)
How did theDusseldorf originate?
The best guess is that the model was developed or at least put into production in the 1990's.
The model reflects the original (pre-1979) version of the real boat. Perhaps much of the model's planning was done before 1979 using then available drawings/plans.
I can kind of draw a parrellel between Graupner's schnellboot Wiesel. Graupner produced this kit when the Wiesel (type 142) schnellboot was active in the
original configuration. Ten boats of this class (Zobel) were built in the early 1960's. By the early 1970's the boats were updated designated type 142A
I had seen ads for the type 142 boats and was planning to buy one while in London in 1975. However, before going over to the UK I received a Model Boats magazine with
the now updated version (142A) for sale. In April 1975 I bought the 142A Wiesel.
The upgrade of the original Zobel class fast patrol boats was significant. Although the hull was not lengthened, there were many other major upgrades to
virtually everything on the deck and up. I think the model upgrades was about 2-3 years.
Getting back to the Dusseldorf 2, I do not fully understand why Robee did not upgrade the kit (if the development started before the real boat was modified).
It is possible that either all of the research and pre-production work ws to far advanced to update the model. It is also possible that this was a deliberate action to
keep the model a reasonible size, especially being that if radio cotrolled it would have to be transported to a pond or lake. 46 inches would fit in most automobiles where 54
inches would be either difficult or impossible.
Either way, it is quite remarkable that the model of this boat has been in production for about over 30 years. Probably many of the owners of the Dusseldorf 2
model do not realize that this is not a true facimallie of the current real fire boat, but that of the pre-1979 modification.
Although Robbe was the original
producer of the Dusseldorf 2 fire boat kit and
accessories, like many other model making companies and
distributors the production was eventually bought out in
2016 and is now produced by "Krick
by romarin". The Dusseldorf 2
model is sold as a kit and has two "add-ons" purchased
seperately: Accessory kit, and special functions kit.
How Close is the Model to the Real
Dusseldorf Fireboat?
I guess the easiest and really the only way is comparing the photos of both. So, here are some photos of the real Dusseldorf 2
(pre-1979 update) fire boat (compare these with your
model or photos of others):