I have tried to make the PT-61 model as accurate and realistic as possible. This involved several years of research
and construction. Many details have been added, much more than most of the other PT Boat model builders. With this intent I have also populated the model with many figures
depicting the crew in position for combat action.
I have not found very much about what
action (if any) the PT-61 was involved in during the period it was a gunboat. So what I did is I picked out a date from one of the few reports
that I have found. On January 10, 1944, according
to "Motor Squadron Three - Daily War Diary, Days Operations:
1830 (6:30 PM) PTs 59 and 61 underway on patrol off Buka
Island" (below).

With the PT-61 crew roster supplied by Ted Walther, I filtered the name so that the following list were on board the PT-61 on January 10, 1944:
Ensign Joseph G. Atkinson, Commanding Officer
Ensign William Clement Fisher, Executive Officer
Chief Motor Machinist’s Mate Henry “Hank” B. Blake
Motor Machinist’s Mate second class Harold N. Gerard
Gunners Mate second class John C. Palmer
Gunners Mate third
class Curtis J. Pursch
Fireman first class R. E. Sherer
Radio Man third class Ralph H. Strebig
Fireman first class C.P. Wysocki
Quartermaster third class G. Soteropoulos
Motor Machinist’s Mate first class Sheldon P. Hurley
Torpedoman’s Mate second class Eric F. Samauelchek
Seaman first class H. E. Hiles
Motor Machinist’s Mate first class William Johnston
Ship’s Cook second class J H Dunlap
Ship Fitter first class W. R. Fannin
Seaman 2nd Joseph D. Collins
Seaman second class J. P. Collins
Radio Man third class N.L. Evans
Gunners Mate third class John Ford
Seaman second class Jack S. Marshall
According to the above list, the PT-61had two commissioned officers and nineteen
enlist crewmen assigned o it on January 10, 1944.
In matching the crew members ratings,
I have attempted to name the figures on my model. The
figures are not meant to be physically correct to any
original crew members. As there are more name than I
have figures on the model, on can assume that the remaining
crew members are below deck or possible on sick call. I
don't think any other modelers have done this, so this is pure speculation on my behalf.