The Construction Starts - Hull and Deck
One of the major problems with this kit
was"quality." Many of the resin parts were of very
poor quality, mis-matched mold seams, bubbles, warpage
or distortion, chuncks missing, etc. Some of the
parts were just plain wrong. Of all of the resin
parts in the kit I was only able to use a few. The
rest had to be made. The hardest parts to make
were the upper part of the .50 MG tubs. The resin
parts were too thick and did not have the rounded edge
going around the rim. The cast metal prop struts were
pretty bad as well. I made new ones out of copper
and brass, turned on my lathe, and soldered.
The next decision was where to make the cutot for access
to the inside of the hull. I didn't want an ugly
seam, so the main cutout follows around the inside of
the structure. There is one cutout where the
engine removal plate is located. There is a cutout
near the transom for access to the rudder arms linkage.
That removable plate's seams are quite disguised by the
deck supports and a lip that is actually located on the
deck. The only seam exposed is by the smoke
generator and that is shor and narrow.
The following photos are ordered by date:

With the hull completed and all of the on deck
parts added (except for the guns and structure) I
made one additional item, a protector for the
rudders, mufflers, and the (simulated) links for the
exhaust deflectors. The mufflers themselves
are pretty tough and have a good ankorage to the
hull, but the linkage is on the fragile side.
Thus I have added this removable Plexiglas cover
held inplace by elastic cords/
at the left was taken on May 1, 2016, at the regular
meet of the Suncoast scale Model Boat Club.
This was the third sailing of the boat.
The new "SO Type" radar mast (all scratch built) was
added as well as additionial details, including the
forward life raft loaded with canvas that would
provide shade for the crew during the day. (PT
boats mainly went on patrol at night.)
The boat is actually moving forward at a slow speed
thanks to the Hobbywing ESC's.
May 29, 2016
at the right shows the aft 40mm Bofors gun.
This was completed and installed on
November 10, 2016.
A similar gun was added to the fore deck.
Both guns were entirely scratch built. The tubing
frames were made by soldering copper tubing.
The barrels were turned wood (dowel). The
guns recievers and other parts were made from
styrene as were the seats, pedastals, and
shield. The cranks were casted in resin. Note: The color is washed out due to
the flash.

March 5, 2017
Still not quite complete -
the six dual 50 BMGs and more crew to be made and

OOPS! Thinking
the model was done I uploaded it to the PT Boat Forum
for comments. After a few responses I took another
look at the original photos for the PT-59 & PT-60 (no
closeup photo of the 61 boat are known to exist).
I then proceeded to make corrections as follows:
Reduce the
height of the six side mounted 50 caliber machine guns
by .375 inch (7.5 inches real).
armor protection to the 50 caliber machine guns in
the tubs..
Change the
bridge armor from the PT059 style to the PT-60 style
Change the
PT boat number "61" from white to black on the sides of
the structure and add the number to the front of the
Make new
flags (ensign and jack) to conform with PT Boat
regulation size of 2.7 feet by 4.5 feet.
Reduce the
height of the rear 40mm Bofors gun base to be the same
as the forward gun.
Move the
radar set from the charthouse to the bridge behind the
Repaint the
crews's helmets gray insteat of O.D.
Not a change, but to be done: More "crew" members.
The model is essentially complete. All that
remains is to add a few more crew members.
Information on the crew can be found under "The Crew's
uniforms" tab.
As this point boat is essentially complete all subsequent
photos will be under the "PT-61 Model Photos" tab on
this web site.